
Vladimir V. Prudnikov
Head of the Department, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher.

Areas of scientific activity: research of the critical behavior of homogeneous and disordered systems by field theory methods and methods of computer modeling, theoretical research in surface physics and interphase interaction of various media along the interface.
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Andrey N. Vakilov
Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

During this period, the research activities of A.N. Vakilov. associated with numerical modeling of the critical behavior of disordered systems.
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Marina V. Mamonova
Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Author of over 100 publications. During this period, the research activities of Mamonova M.V. associated with the development of theoretical methods for describing the surface properties of solids, the adsorption of magnetic ions on the surface of metal alloys with the formation of various adsorption and magnetic structures.
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Pavel V. Prudnikov
Dr. Sc., Professor of Theoretical Physics Department.

Research Interests:
— Phase transitions and critical phenomena in disordered and complex systems;
— Non-equilibrium critical phenomena;
— Thin magnetic films and multilayer structures with giant magnetic resistance;
— Monte Carlo methods in statistical physics;
— Out-of-equilibrium critical behavior: aging phenomena and short-time dynamics;
— Field-theoretical and renormalization-group description of disordered systems;
— Parallel and distributed calculation.
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Alexander V. Mamonov
Head of a separate division in Omsk Department of Corporate Systems LANIT Group.

Created enterprise and federal scale information systems in the banking sector, oil and gas industry and the system of the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation. Designer and lead developer of a number of information systems protected by copyright certificates. Information systems developed under the leadership of A.V. Mamonov, for more than 10 years they have been operated in the organizations of the Transneft, Rosneft, PIRS, OTP Bank and others systems.

Since the 2000s, he has been teaching courses on OOP and DBMS at the Department of Theoretical Physics.
Provided internships and employment for several dozen students of the Department of Theoretical Physics.

Ivan S. Popov
Associate Professor. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Research interests: Phase transitions and critical phenomena, Physics of high energy densities, Computational fluid dynamics, Parallel and supercomputer computing.
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Evgeny A. Pospelov
Associate Professor. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Author of 21 scientific publications, including 11 scientific articles from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission with indexing in the Web of Science and Scopus databases.
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Anna P. Popova
Teacher of the department. Postgraduate student of the Department of Theoretical Physics.

Anna Pavlovna Popova, project «Investigation of the nonequilibrium dynamics of Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thoules in a two-dimensional disordered XY-model with structural disorder of various types». Scientific adviser, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Pavel Vladimirovich Prudnikov.

Vadim O. Borzilov
Laboratory assistant. Postgraduate Student of the Department of Theoretical Physics.

The research was supported by the project 19-32-90261 of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the «Graduate students» competition for the best projects of fundamental scientific research carried out by young scientists studying in graduate school, the name of the project.
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Marina M. Boldyreva
Postgraduate student of the Department of Theoretical Physics.

The research was supported by the project 20-32-90226 of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the «Graduate students» competition for the best projects of fundamental scientific research carried out by young scientists studying in graduate school, the name of the project.
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Dmitriy V. Evsin
Laboratory assistant. Postgraduate student of the Department of Theoretical Physics.

Maria A. Shlyakhtich
Associate Professor. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Scientific interests:
— Investigation of critical phenomena in complex spin systems by computer simulation methods;
— Computer simulation of disordered systems;
— Numerical study of multilayer magnets;
— Parallel and supercomputing.

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Peter N. Malyarenko
Laboratory assistant. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Research area: numerical studies of the effects of aging and violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in the nonequilibrium critical behavior of structurally disordered spin systems.

Vyacheslav E. Lozhnikov
Laboratory researcher. Postgraduate Student of the Department of Theoretical Physics.

Research area: simulation of the magnetic characteristics of the three-dimensional Heisenberg model by the parallel Wang-Landau method.

Alina A. Chubarova
Laboratory assistant. Master of the Department of Theoretical Physics.

Research area: Study of promising nanomaterials using machine learning methods.